For a stronger lemon flavoured salmon, add the wedges into the pan when your sauce is bubbling (the peel provides all of the flavour this way).
Salmon is sauteed with all ingredients at once, and served over couscous.
A sweet-savory soy sauce marinade sets the stage for these cream cheese and green onion-stuffed salmon fillets or steaks.
Bahan Membuat Salmon Steak Saos Lemon#SiapRamadan
- 200 gram ikan salmon.
- 1 sdt olive oil.
- 1 sdt minyak wijen.
- 1/2 sdt oregano.
- Bahan saos :.
- 1 sdm butter.
- 1 siung bawang putih, cincang halus.
- 2 iris jeruk lemon.
- 3 sdm susu UHT.
- Bahan pelengkap :.
- Brokoli rebus/wortel rebus.
Langkah Memasak Salmon Steak Saos Lemon#SiapRamadan
- Cuci bersih ikan salmon, khusus yg filet ya moms😆, panggang di atas teflon dgn olive oil dan minyak wijen, setelah matang taburi oregano, angkat dan sajikan di piring saji.
- Bahan saos : tumis bawang putih cincang dgn butter hingga harum, masukkan susu UHT, aduk hingga rata, masukkan perasan jeruk lemon.
- Sajikan bersama ikan salmon dan rebusan brokoli/wortel....hmmm yummmyy banget moms😍😘😘.
You can show up at the store with the best intentions of securing a thick halibut steak only to be disappointed with what clearly looks like it's been sitting under the glass for a few days. Basting salmon with a lemon-butter sauce is a traditional way to serve this fish - it's the first way I ever ate it as a child. I have taken mom's same flavor profile and created a roasted salmon version of her campground dish, using salmon steaks. Season sauce with lemon juice, salt, pepper and sugar. Arrange fish and raddichio on plates and drizzle with sauce.
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