Salmon is a huge favorite of mine.
Find salmon steak recipes at Taste of Home!
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Bahan Membuat Salmon Steak
- 1 slice Ikan Salmon.
- Garam himalaya.
- Lada bubuk/lada hitam bubuk.
- 1 sdm Butter.
- Pelengkap.
- Mix vegetable.
- French fries/Mashed Potato.
- Chili flakes.
- Parsley.
- Mushroom/Blackpepper sauce.
Langkah Memasak Salmon Steak
- Iris bagian kulit Salmon lalu lumuri dgn garam dan lada d tiap sisinya, diamkan dlm kulkas kurleb 30 mnt.
- Keluarkan dr kulkas 10 mnt sblm salmon d grilled.
- Lelehkan butter d atas teflon lalu masukan salmon (yg ada kulitnya d grilled lebih dulu) grilled selama 4 mnt,balik dan grilled sisi 1 nya selama 4mnt.
- Sajikan dgn pelengkap, simple kan? Yuk d coba 😉.
Salmon Steak is a good dish to have for either lunch or dinner. Besides having a good tastes and having the ability be easily paired with other dishes, salmon have positive effects on our health. The key to good salmon is not overthinking it. Today, all we're doing is rubbing the fillets with a little oil and sprinkling them with salt and pepper before popping them in the. Salmon steaks - I love the way salmon steaks look, but you can use salmon fillets if preferred.
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