Salmon is a huge favorite of mine.
Find salmon steak recipes at Taste of Home!
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Bahan Membuat Salmon steak.
- 1 potong salmon.
- 1 sdm bumbu perendam barbeque (aku pakai dari grill master).
- Secukupnya garam.
- 1 sdm Minyak goreng (aku pakai olive oil).
Langkah Memasak Salmon steak.
- Rendam salmon dengan bumbu perendam, minyak dan tambahkan garam. Diamkan kurang lebih 15 menit..
- Panggang dengan teflon. Tidak perlu ditambahkan minyak lg..
- Setelah agak kecoklatan, angkat..
Salmon Steak is a good dish to have for either lunch or dinner. Besides having a good tastes and having the ability be easily paired with other dishes, salmon have positive effects on our health. Salmon steaks - I love the way salmon steaks look, but you can use salmon fillets if preferred. It may be a better option to those serving to kids as there are less bones to worry about in fillets. The key to good salmon is not overthinking it.
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