Salmon steaks are even more delicious than fillets when you're craving something crazy buttery.
Learn how to make them with!
A fish steak is cut crosswise (perpendicular to the spine), cutting through the bone, whereas a fillet is cut lengthwise parallel to the bone.
Bahan Membuat Salmon Steak with Cheese Sauce
- 1 sendok teh garam.
- 100 gr ikan salmon.
- 1/2 sendok lada hitam.
- 1 sendok butter.
- 1 sendok teh tepung maizena.
- 1/2 sendok teh gula.
- 100 ml susu uht.
- 1 buah bawang bombay.
- 2 buah kentang.
- 1 buah brokoli.
Langkah Memasak Salmon Steak with Cheese Sauce
- Bahan-bahan sauce.
- Masukan butter kedalam teflon setelah mencair masukan bawang bombay yg sudah di iris halus lalu masukan susu uht.
- Setelah sudah sedikit mendidih masukan keju secukupnya, jangan lupa selalu di kocok ya.
- Lalu masukan tepung maizena yg sudah dilarutkan ke dlm air (sedikit saja). Setelah sudah mendidih sisikan.
- Membuat salom.
- 1. Sebelumnya salmon di lumuri lada hitam dan garam lalu diamkan selama -+ 10 menit.
- 2. Panaskan tempat panggangannya masukan oilve oil, setelah panas masukan salmon, bulak balik sampai matang.
- Lalu sajikan dengan kentang goreng dan brokoli.
Add the heavy cream and allow to reduce. Add the blue cheese and whisk until smooth. Hi welcome to my kitchen, the kettle's on, we've some beers in the fridge and we are about to start another culinary adventure. I wanted a light meal with a simple quick to make sauce. Fabio sometimes has his uses; he suggested we make something with nuts and Phili cheese.
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