This recipe calls for salmon steaks, but.
Easy four-ingredient baked salmon recipe topped with a mixture of sour cream, mustard, and parmesan cheese.
Plus, how not to overcook salmon.
Bahan Membuat Sour and creamy salmon steak
- slice salmon.
- madu.
- gula.
- butter.
- tepung kanji.
- mayonaise.
- tomat.
- jeruk nipis.
- onion.
- merica.
- garam.
Langkah Memasak Sour and creamy salmon steak
- Salmon di rendam dalam air jeruk nipis dan garam.
- Salmon di masak dengan mentega/butter di atas teflon.
- Mentega untuk menumis onion, tomat.masukkan air kemudian setelah mendidih masukkan tepung kanji.masukkan air jeruk nipis, merica, mayonaise,gula,garam dan madu..
- Aduk sampai rata dan mengental.
- Taruh salmon dan saos diatasnya.selamat menikmati.
Season the fish with salt and pepper. Heat some of the olive oil in a frying pan. This simple, roasted salmon with creamy dill sauce is easy, delicious and dairy-free. Top each salmon fillet with a serving of dill sauce and garnish with a lemon wedge before serving. I am trying this recipe tonight for salmon steak dinner.
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