By MikeG; Salmon Steak Recipe, Pan Fried.
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Bahan Membuat Steak Salmon Healty
- 100 gram Daging Salmon.
- 1 bh Lemon.
- 1 Sdm Olive Oil/ Minyak Zaitun.
- Black Paper.
- Parsley.
Langkah Memasak Steak Salmon Healty
- Rendam Salmon yang diberikan perasan Lemon di suatu wadah dan campurkan black paper secukupnya serta parsley. Diamkan kurang lebih sekitar 20 menit sampai bumbu meresap..
- Panaskan teflon dan tuangkan 1 Sdm Olive Oil/ Minyak Zaitun, lalu masukan daging salmon yang sudah di resapi oleh bumbu-bumbu tadi dan goreng hingga kecoklatan.
- Tiriskan dan tadaaaaaaaaaa Salmonnya siap di hidangkan deeeh.. Gampangkan ! Selamat mencoba 😎👋.
Salmon skin is safe to eat and contains many of the same nutritional benefits of the fish. However, some salmon preparations lend themselves better to eating the skin than others. When salmon is baked (like in this recipe), the skin is soft and rubbery (a.k.a. not appealing to eat). Savor moist and flaky Atlantic Salmon fillets marinated in a mixture of olive oil, garlic, paprika, onion, pepper, and natural grill flavor. Each is carefully prepped and delivered boneless, skinless, individually wrapped, and ready to prepare.
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