But make kuping gajah pastry recipe dose must have the right ingredients in order to get a special kuping gajah pastry. kuping gajah are suitable cake served during the holidays such as Idul Fitri and Christmas Day. kuping gajah pastry is also well suited to accompany us as a snack moments with loved ones at home. kuping gajah pastry.
Lihat juga resep Kuping Gajah enak lainnya!
Salah satu bahan paling serbaguna saat menyiapkan canapé, camilan atau camilan kecil adalah puff pastry.
Bahan Membuat Puff pastry kuping gajah
- 1 lembar puff pastry (resep di up sebelumnx ya).
- 5 sdm Gula.
- 1 sdm Kayu manis bubuk.
Langkah Memasak Puff pastry kuping gajah
- Campur gula dengan kayu manis.
- Pipihkan puff pastrynx dan taburi dengan campuran gula.
- Lipat spt digambar.
- Dan satukan.
- Potong2 sekitar 1,5 cm dan buka sedikit bagian atasnx.
- Celupkan bagian atas permukaan ke dalam campuran gula.
- Oven sampai matang, saya ndak cek brp menitnx.
Lihat juga resep Kuping gajah rainbow enak lainnya! Lihat juga resep Fruit Puff Pastry enak lainnya! Use a pastry brush to coat the top side in egg wash. An egg wash is simply a cracked egg whisked together so that the yolk and white are combined. Use a brush to lightly coat the top of the pastry sheet in egg, as this helps it stick together and provides richness to the finished cookie.
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