Serve this in a sandwich, wrap it in lettuce, or stuff it in avocado halves for a healthy, throw-together lunch.
Creamy tuna salad served on crisp lettuce accompanied by eggs cooked to perfection and some tomatoes to brighten the plate.
With Diet Doctor Plus you get access to tons of keto meal plans, including dairy-free and vegetarian versions, meal plans adapted for intermittent fasting.
Bahan Membuat Diet with Tuna Salad
- 1 cup macaroni rebus sampai empuk beri garam dan minyak sedikit.
- 1 buah alpukat potong2.
- 1 buah tomat potong2.
- 1 butir telur rebus potong2.
- 3 lembar daun selada potong2.
- 5 helai daun mint (optional).
- 1 pieces ikan tuna, beri garam dan lada hitam, masak di teflon.
- Dressing:.
- 1 buah jeruk nipis, peras airnya.
- sesuai selera Lada hitam dan garam.
- sesuai selera Minyak canola/olive/wijen.
Langkah Memasak Diet with Tuna Salad
- Campurkan semua bahan jadi satu, aduk dan tes rasa. Salad siap dihidangkan dan dinikmati 😊.
Have tem for lunch or dinner, this tuna salads are especially perfect in hunger emergencies. No cooking or boiling or baking needed. Just grab tuna straight out of the can. This keto tuna salad is the best low carb lunch idea when you're in a rush. There's not much to making tuna salad, really.
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