Dinner was a small slab of grilled you-know-what with asparagus, and.
The tangy oregano vinaigrette not only dresses the salad, but it also acts as a quick marinade for the salmon.
Sprinkle with the feta and serve immediately.
Bahan Membuat Salmon Salad with Egg (Diet)
- 100 gram Selada.
- 8 pcs tomat ceri.
- 1 Telur Ayam.
- Keju Parmesan.
- 100 gram Ikan Salmon.
- Garam.
- Lada.
- Salad Dressing.
Langkah Memasak Salmon Salad with Egg (Diet)
- Lumuri Salmon dengan garam, Lada Secukupnya. Sisihkan.
- Cuci bersih salad, tomat ceri, keringkan. Sisihkan.
- Rebus Telur Ayam, sisihkan iris tipis-tipis.
- Susun salad, tomat, salmon dan telur. Tambahkan salad dressing.
This easy seafood salad is also low-carb and keto diet friendly! Plus, it's super easy to make! Cucumber, Egg and Smoked Salmon Salad. Diet recipes that won't take forever to make. Vegetable Salad with Smoked Salmon and Eggs.
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