Enjoy the sticky rice cakes hot.
Remove from steamer, let cool and serve.
It is my favorite easy banana bread.
Bahan Membuat Steamed bread banana cup cake selingan mpasi
- 2 lembar roti tawar kupas.
- 4 buah pisang raja.
- 1 buh telur ayam kampung.
- 3 sdm margarin cair.
- Keju parut.
- Chococip.
Langkah Memasak Steamed bread banana cup cake selingan mpasi
- Potong dadu kecil roti tawar dan haluskan pisang dengan garpu.
- Campurkan roti, pisang, telur, margarin cair dan parutan keju sebagian.
- Masukan ke dalam cup alumunium tambkan toping keju dan chococip lalu kukus seama 15-20 menit. Hidangkan.
This moist banana bread recipe is simple. However, it is important that you pay extra attention to the state and amount of banana that you will use. Simply stick a piece of toothpick into your banana bread and pull it out completely. Use a dinner fork to thoroughly mash the banana. Continue mashing until the banana has a pudding-like consistency and no large lumps remain; a few small lumps are okay.
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