Steamed bread banana cup cake selingan mpasi Enjoy the sticky rice cakes hot. Remove from steamer, let cool and serve. It is my favorite easy banana bread.

Bahan Membuat Steamed bread banana cup cake selingan mpasi

  1. 2 lembar roti tawar kupas.
  2. 4 buah pisang raja.
  3. 1 buh telur ayam kampung.
  4. 3 sdm margarin cair.
  5. Keju parut.
  6. Chococip.

Langkah Memasak Steamed bread banana cup cake selingan mpasi

  1. Potong dadu kecil roti tawar dan haluskan pisang dengan garpu.
  2. Campurkan roti, pisang, telur, margarin cair dan parutan keju sebagian.
  3. Masukan ke dalam cup alumunium tambkan toping keju dan chococip lalu kukus seama 15-20 menit. Hidangkan.

This moist banana bread recipe is simple. However, it is important that you pay extra attention to the state and amount of banana that you will use. Simply stick a piece of toothpick into your banana bread and pull it out completely. Use a dinner fork to thoroughly mash the banana. Continue mashing until the banana has a pudding-like consistency and no large lumps remain; a few small lumps are okay.

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