Cake Mix Pie Crust (Red Velvet).
Red Velvet Cheesecake is a heavenly, decadent cheesecake recipe.
Red Velvet fans will like this one!
Bahan Membuat Red Velvet Pie Crust
- 350 gr terigu protein sedang.
- 55 gr gula halus.
- 3 gr coklat bubuk.
- 200 gr royal palmia.
- 2 sdm pewarna makanan warna merah.
- 1,5 sdm air es.
Langkah Memasak Red Velvet Pie Crust
- Campur terigu + gula halus + coklat bubuk yg sudah diayak..
- Masukkan royal palmia. aduk dgn menggunakan pisau pastry / garpu hingga beremah.
- Masukkan pewarna makanan dan air es. terus campur hingga rata..
- Bentuk bulatan dan bks dengan clingwrap. masukkan dlm kulkas kurleb 30 menit.
- Cetak dlm cetakan pie. oven dgn suhu 180*C selama 20 menit..
Melt the butter and let cool a bit. Red Velvet Cupcakes are a great recipe to have in your baking arsenal. This easy recipe is egg-free and has a homemade cream cheese frosting on top! All text and images © DOROTHY KERN for Crazy for Crust. Please do not use my images without prior permission.
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