Remove and place into a medium mixing bowl.
Pulverize the Oreo cookies into fine crumbs (preferably with a food processor, as seen above), and then stir in your melted butter, and pour How long does a homemade Oreo crust last in the fridge?
I made the crust and was planning on using it for a no-bake cream pie tonight (Wed), but now I may.
Bahan Membuat Pie Crust oreo (kulit pie Oreo)
- 250 gram tepung terigu protein rendah.
- 9 keping Oreo.
- 125 gram margarin.
- 7-8 sdm air es.
Langkah Memasak Pie Crust oreo (kulit pie Oreo)
- Pisahkan Oreo dengan krim nya, haluskan lalu campur dengan tepung terigu dan margarin, beri air es aduk hingga adonan berbulir.
- Siapkan cetakan pie, masukkan adonan lalu rapihkan dengan alat atau bantuan ibu jari tusuk2 dengan garpu lalu masukkan dalam lemari es sebentar.
- Panggang dalam oven hingga matang, sesuaikan dengan oven masing masing untuk lamanya. Pie siap di beri topping.
Use this two-ingredient Oreo pie crust recipe to dream up all kinds of treats! There's no doubt about it: Oreo is THE undisputed cookie of childhood. I, for one, remember loving 'em since the catchy "Who's that kid with the Oreo cookie?" jingle was on TV. How to make oreo pie crust. This recipe is about as simple as it gets.
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