The ingredients are pretty basic: flour, ice water, shortening, and salt.
And the instructions on making, rolling, and fitting the dough are easy to follow.
A wonderful pie crust which you just can't mess up on!
Bahan Membuat Pie crust ala Michael Lim
- 400 gr tepung terigu (aku pakai tepung kunci).
- 160 gr icing sugar (aku : 80 gr).
- 50 gr tepung custard.
- 4 kuning telur ukuran besar (kemaren aku pakai yang ukuran biasa.
- 250 gr butter (aku : 200 gr Forvita + 50 gr baker's mix).
- 1/2 sdt garam.
Langkah Memasak Pie crust ala Michael Lim
- Campur semua bahan. Uleni hingga kalis.
- Bagi adonan sama berat (tergantung cetakan)..aku : 25 - 30 gr untuk cetakan pie diameter 6 cm & 40 gr untuk cetakan pie diameter 7 cm..
- Cetak di cetakan pie yang sudah dioles margarin/minyak tipis-tipis. Rapikan pinggirnya..
- Tusuk-tusuk dasar kulit pie supaya tidak mengembung ketika dipanggang..
- Panggang di suhu oven 170° kurleb 15 - 20 menit..
Homemade pie crust using either lard or shortening. Can be made using a food processor or simply worked in by hand. When you have a food processor, making a homemade pie crust is so easy it's sinful. You can still make it without one of course - it just takes a bit of extra work. A super easy and homemade gluten free pie crust recipe -.
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