Variations of lemon meringue pie have been around for centuries and for a good reason.
Lemon cream and fluffy meringue were just meant to be eaten together on a crumbly pie crust.
We usually have a good selection of pies at our neighborhood get-togethers, but I always come home with an empty pan Spread meringue evenly over filling, sealing to edge of crust.
Bahan Membuat Lemon coconut meringue pie crust
- 1 box/ dos isi 6 pie crusts.
- 2-3 putih telor.
- sesuai selera Gula pasir.
- Kelapa parut(Saya pake kelapa parut kering).
- 1 🍋 lemon / zest.
Langkah Memasak Lemon coconut meringue pie crust
- Kocok putih telor dengan gula pasir dengan speed high sampe kaku 4-5 menit.
- Taburin lemon zest/ parutan kulit lemon aduk2. Dengan piping bag masukin meringuenya hias diatas pie crust taburin dry coconut sesuai selera, panggang. Kurleb 8-9 menit 180C, kalo udah brown golden meringue nya, angkat sajikan..
Fool-Proof Lemon Meringue Pie recipe that includes tips to keep your pie from weeping and how to make the perfect meringue! Make sure the meringue is touching the outer pie crust so that it doesn't shrink away while baking. Use the back of your spoon to create decorative peaks in the. Unlike most lemon meringue pie recipes, which can be rife with issues — a soggy crust, a soupy filling, or a meringue that weeps — Myra's recipe is foolproof. It's good too: I made one this past weekend and left it on the counter with a note for my husband and kids to try it.
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