Som tam is native to Northeastern Thailand.
The cuisine of this region is of course heavily influenced by those of its neighbors, Laos and Cambodia.
This Thai papaya salad can also be found in these countries under different names.
Bahan Membuat Som tam pedasss (salad thailand)
- 100 gr pepaya muda, cacah halus.
- 1/2 buah mangga, cacah.
- 1 buah tomat iris.
- 4 buah kacang panjang muda, potong pendek2.
- 1 sdt gula merah iris.
- 1 sdt kecap ikan.
- 2 sdm asam cair.
- 5 buah cabai rawit merah (jika tidak suka pedas bisa dikurangi).
- 2 siung bawang putih.
- 1/2 buah jeruk nipis.
- 1 buah jagung muda rebus.
- 3 buah cumi, iris tipis lalu direbus sebentar.
- Secukupnya garam.
Langkah Memasak Som tam pedasss (salad thailand)
- Cuci bersih semua bahan dan bumbu.
- Uleg bawang putih dan cabai sampai halus..
- Tambahkan perasan jeruk nipis, air asam, garam, kecap ikan..
- Cicipi, jika sudah pas tambahkan semua sayuran, buah dan cumi. Aduk sampai semua tercampur rata..
- Dapat dimakan dengan bihun, sedap dan pedasss.
This fiery little salad is one of Thailand's best known culinary exports (despite persistent rumours that Molly Wizenberg's som tam features blanched beans. Photograph: Felicity Cloake for the Guardian. Most recipes add snake (AKA yardlong) beans to the papaya. Som Tam. (Thai green papaya salad). Green papaya salad is the most popular salad in Thailand and is commonly sold in street stalls, especially in the North of the country. "Som Tam" (ส้มตำ) is a spicy papaya salad that will light your taste buds on fire!
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