However, it's also messy and a lot of work.
Green papaya salad is a Lao spicy salad made from shredded unripe papaya.
Originating from ethnic Lao people, it is also eaten throughout Southeast Asia.
Bahan Membuat Som Tam (Papaya Salad Thailand)
- 1/2 buah Pepaya muda (parut atau iris tipis).
- 1-2 buah Tomat (kalau ada tomat cherry 6).
- 1 genggam Kacang tanah (sangrai terus dikuliti).
- 2-3 buah Cabe rawit (sesuai selera).
- 1-2 Kacang panjang(dipatah pendek2).
- 1 buah Jeruk nipis.
- 2 sdm Air asam jawa.
- 2 sdm Gula merah.
- 2 buah Bawang putih.
- Sejumput Garam.
- 2-3 sdm Kecap ikan.
- 1-2 sdm Ebi (disangrai).
Langkah Memasak Som Tam (Papaya Salad Thailand)
- Tumbuk kasar bawang putih, cabe dan sejumput garam..
- Masukkan ebi, kacang panjang, tomat, air asam jawa, gula merah, air jeruk nipis ditumbuk sedikit.
- Lalu masukkan pepaya yang sudah diparut, tambahkan kecap ikan, kacang tanah sangrai. Periksa rasa dan sajikan. Selamat menikmati.
Som tam is native to Northeastern Thailand. The cuisine of this region is of course heavily influenced by those of its neighbors, Laos and Cambodia. This Thai papaya salad can also be found in these countries under different names. Tam mak houng in Laos and bok l'hong in Cambodia. In Isan (and the rest of Thailand), green papaya salad is called som tum, with "som" meaning "sour" and "tum" referring to the pounding sound of the large pestle used to crush ingredients.
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