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Thai green papaya salad, which in Thailand is known as as 'som tam' (ส้มตำ), is one of the most commonly available and most popularly consumed dishes in all of Thailand.
Originating in the northeastern part of Thailand (Isaan), bordering the country of Laos, the dish is a staple for the entire.
Bahan Membuat Som Tam atau Papaya Salad
- 1/2 buah Pepaya muda kecil atau sekitar 1 1/2 gelas ukur.
- 2 bawang putih.
- 3 lonjor kacang panjang, potong korek api.
- 1-2 tomat merah kecil, iris - iris (bisa diganti 3 tomat cherry).
- 3 sdm kacang tanah sangrai (aku adanya kacang mede).
- 1/2-1 sdm ebi atau udang kering, potong2 kalau terlalu besar.
- 1 1/2 sdm gula Jawa.
- Secukupnya cabe rawit.
- Secukupnya cilantro atau daun ketumbar sebagai garnish.
- Bahan saus :.
- 1 1/2-2 sdm air jeruk nipis (tergantung seberapa besar jeruknya).
- 1 1/2 sdm fish sauce.
- 1-2 sdt air asam Jawa (boleh di skip).
Langkah Memasak Som Tam atau Papaya Salad
- Chopping (atau pasah) pepaya muda, sisihkan..
- Tumbuk atau uleg KASAR cabe rawit dan bawang putih..
- Tambahkan gula jawa..
- Masukkan potongan kacang panjang, tumbuk sedikit supaya kacang agak layu..
- Masukkan ebi dan SEDIKIT kacang tanah sangrai, tumbuk sedikit supaya kacang agak hancur..
- Masukkan bahan saus, aduk rata. Beri sedikit perasan kulit jeruk nipis supaya ada bau segar jeruk nipis..
- Masukkan pepaya dan irisan tomat, aduk rata dengan sendok..
- Letakkan salad di piring saji, taburi dengan sisa kacang tanah sangrai, sajikan dengan garnish daun ketumbar (cilantro)..
Som Tam is the popular Thai papaya salad, which can be found in the many excellent street foods around Thailand. When people think of salads, some leafy, colorful dish usually comes to mind. Like all distinctive Thai cuisine, however, Thai salads are hardly the conventional greens a person is used to devouring. "Som Tam" (ส้มตำ) is a spicy papaya salad that will light your taste buds on fire! It has such a range of flavors and a balance of spicy, sweet, sour and salty! I've read some interesting things about papaya and it seems the unripened green papaya is super-healthy and can ease some digestive problems.
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