If you've ever made it, I am sure you will agree!
This homemade pizza dough recipe is pleasantly chewy, golden and crisp on the outside, but most of all Delish readers, meet your new go-to pizza dough.
It's pleasantly chewy, golden and crisp on the.
Bahan Membuat Homemade pizza dough
- Bahan A.
- 3/4 cup air hangat.
- 1/2 sdt gula.
- 1/2 bks ragi instant.
- Bahan B.
- 3 cup terigu.
- 1/2 sdt garam.
- 1/2 sdt oregano / rosemary kering.
- 1/2 cup minyak goreng.
Langkah Memasak Homemade pizza dough
- Campur bahan A diamkan 5 menit.
- Masukan semua bahan B di mixer/wadah. Tambahkann bahan A baru diaduk / dimixer sampai kalis kira2 5-10mnt.
- Diamkan 15 menit lalu pipihkan, tambahkan topping sesuai selera, panggang 180C 20 mnt.
You'll Want To Ditch Delivery And Have A Pizza Making Night With Your Family With This Simple And Soft Pizza Dough Recipe That Everyone Loves. Making your own pizza dough is easier than you think, and a fun project to do with the kids. This homemade pizza dough recipe makes fresh-from-the-oven homemade pizza a deliciously easy possibility any night of the week. Create your signature pizza with homemade pizza dough! Impress your friends with this simple recipe and throw a make-your-own-pizza party!
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