See the recipe plus a helpful video and have homemade pizza in under an hour.
Turn dough out onto a well floured surface.
Form dough into a round and roll out into a pizza crust shape.
Bahan Membuat Dough Pizza ulen tipis2
- 125 ml air hangat.
- 1 sdt gula pasir.
- 1 sdt ragi.
- 150 gr tepung cakra + 50 gr tepung segitiga.
- 10 gr susu bubuk.
- 20 ml minyak sayur + garam.
- Topping.
- Saos tomat & cabe.
- Jagung manis.
- sosis.
- Keju mozarella.
Langkah Memasak Dough Pizza ulen tipis2
- Aktifkan ragi dgn cara masukkan ragi kedalam air hangat yg sdh ditambahkan gula pasir.
- Masukkan ke bahan kering, dan ulen sampai rata saja, ndak perlu ngoyo, bulatkan dan diamkan 30 menit.
- Cetak sesuai selera, tusuk2 menggunakan garpu sebelum di beri topping ya, beri topping (topping sesuai selera saja) kemudian panggang.
Have a pizza party your family will love by making thick-crusted pan pizzas that everyone can take part in making. Who can argue with pizza night? This recipe for a pan pizza dough is soft and doughy and one the entire family will enjoy. Use this dough for any pizza recipe you want to make and follow recipe instructions for shaping and baking times. Allow the dough to thaw in the fridge before using.
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