But his easy pizza recipe from Naples holds a few surprises!
After this time, you will find the dough much more pliable to work with.
For your next pizza night at home, make Bobby Flay's homemade Pizza Dough recipe from Food Network, and finish it with your favorite toppings.
Bahan Membuat Pizza Dough/Adonan Pizza
- 210 gr tpg terigu sedang.
- 5,5 gr ragi.
- 125 ml air.
- 1/2 sdt susu kental.
- 1/2 sdm canola oil/olive oil.
- 1/2 sdt garam.
- Topping : boleh isi apa aja.
- Keju Mozarella.
- Keju Quickmelt (optional).
Langkah Memasak Pizza Dough/Adonan Pizza
- Campur semua bahan ke mixer, aduk hingga kalis. istirahatkan adonan 30 menit lalu kempiskan. Jika suka pizza tipis, bagi adonan ini menjadi 2 dan rol adonan. Adonan siap di toppingkan..
- Oleskan pasta tomat, beri topping sesuai selera, taburi keju mozarella (saya campur dengan keju quick melt). Panggang 200*C selama 15 menit dengan api atas bawah. Lalu tambah 5 menit dengan api atas. Taburi parsley. Sajikan hangat.
All you have to do here is type in what kind of pizza you want to make - Neapolitan, in this case -, how big you want them to be and how many you're going to make. Now just press calculate and BOOM, you'll have your very own custom pizza recipe. Quick and easy pizza dough, no kneading required. See the recipe plus a helpful video and have homemade pizza in under an hour. Turn dough out onto a well floured surface.
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