The key to getting a smooth, airy texture is to rice the potatoes while they're still hot, then incorporate cold butter.
Sliced potatoes cook with onion, beaten eggs, and a topping of melted American cheese for a classic and hearty camping breakfast.
Just a couple of thoughts on this recipe - peeling and cooking the potatoes then slicing and frying leads to more of a mashed potato than sliced.
Bahan Membuat Mashed Potato Egg Cheese
- 2 buah kentang.
- 1 butir telur ayam.
- 1 batang seledri.
- 1/4 balok keju cheddar (parut).
- 100 ml susu cari UHT plain.
- 2 sdm margarin.
- secukupnya Garam.
- secukupnya Lada bubuk.
- secukupnya Kaldu jamur bubuk.
- Air untuk merebus kentang.
Langkah Memasak Mashed Potato Egg Cheese
- Kupas kentang. Potong dadu. Cuci bersih..
- Rebus kentang sampai empuk. Setelah empuk, angkat dan tumbuk sampai halus..
- Siapkan teflon. Panaskan margarin. Setelah cair masukkan telur ayam. Orak arik telur..
- Lalu masukkan kentang yang sudah halus. Aduk rata..
- Masukkan susu cair, parutan keju, garam, kaldu bubuk, dan lada. Aduk rata. Cicipi dan koreksi rasa. Aduk terus sampai susu menyusut. Angkat dan sajikan..
- Iris seledri untuk topping..
- Mashed Potato Egg Cheese siap disantap😋 menu sarapan ala2 bule😉.
If the mashed potato pancake mixture looks too dry and isn't holding together, add one more egg. More Flavoring Ideas for Mashed Potato Puffs. Loaded Baked Potato: Cheddar cheese, cooked bacon, chopped green onions, served with sour cream and chives. To wit, these mashed potatoes, which Tucci says were mostly his wife's creation. The prep itself is pretty standard; it's the add-ins where things get good.
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