The flavor of these cream cheese mashed potatoes is downright perfect!
No seasonings needed thanks to cooking them in savory chicken broth and creaming them with real butter, cream cheese and half n half.
I know… they aren't waistline-friendly but your taste buds will thank you!
Bahan Membuat Mashed potato chesse kukus
- secukupnya Daging giling.
- 2 buah kentang berukuran sedang.
- 250 ml susu uht bisa di ganti susu lain.
- secukupnya Bawang bombay.
- olive oil / minyak/mentega.
- Telor ayam.
- Garam.
- Keju.
Langkah Memasak Mashed potato chesse kukus
- Cuci semua bahan,, rebus daging dan kentang, tiriskan lalu haluskan kentang dan campur dgn daging dan keju parut, aduk jadi satu.
- Tumis bawang bombay menggunakan oliv oil(bisa menggunakan minyak atopun mentega) setelah tercium bau harum masukkan susu UHT aduk hingga tercampur, lalu masukan adonan yg sudah tercampur td dan garam aduk terus hingga creamny.... Koreksi rasa.
- Kocok telur di tempat berbeda tambahkan garam agar tidak amis, masukkan adonan yg telah creamny..... Cetak dalam tmpat yang tahan panas, taburi keju di atas untuk pemanis.
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- Siap di santaap...... Bisa di tambah saous bahi yang suka pedas.
Place cold mashed potatoes into a large mixing bowl. Place a cube of cheddar in the center and wrap the potato mixture around the cheese. In three separate bowls, add flour, remaining egg (whisked) and. Mashed potatoes made with cream cheese, sour cream, and butter. A favorite side dish that can be made ahead of time and reheated just before dinner.
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