Heston Blumenthal shows you how to make perfect mash and Delia makes a garlic version, while James Martin does an Everyone loves good mashed potato.
Your mashed potatoes will come out fluffy and delicious every time.
How to Make Really Good Mashed Potatoes.
Bahan Membuat Mashed Potato
- 250-300 gr kentang.
- 125 ml UHT Plain.
- 2 sdm margarin.
- Secukupnya merica bubuk.
- Secukupnya garam.
- Lada hitam untuk taburan.
Langkah Memasak Mashed Potato
- Kukus kentang sampai matang, lalu haluskan.. Saya pakai uleg-an...
- Panaskan margarine, masukkan susu masak sampai hangat, lalu masukkan kentang yang sudah dihaluskan..
- Masak sampai asat/ kering... Tambahkan lada bubuk dan garam. Koreksi rasa. Angkat dan sajikan, taburi dengan lada hitam..
Mashed potatoes recipe simple and fast. Learn how to make the best homemade mashed potatoes your family will love! See our easy mashed potato recipes. Joel Robuchon's Mashed Potatoes - the best mashed potatoes recipe in the whole world. Learn how to make perfect mashed potatoes, complete with step-by-step picture guide.
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