Make mashed potatoes with cream cheese and bacon on top with help from the culinary professionals at in this free video clip.
Try this deluxe cheese mashed potato recipe.
With cream cheese, cheddar cheese, and sour cream, this decadent dish is sure to be a hit.
Bahan Membuat 153. Mashed Potato Cheese
- 3 buah kentang ukuran sedang.
- 100 ml susu cair UHT plain.
- 1/3 blok keju cheddar parut.
- 1 sdm unsalted butter.
- 1/2 sdm margarin.
- 1/2 sdt lada bubuk.
- Garam.
- Parsley (saya pakai oregano).
Langkah Memasak 153. Mashed Potato Cheese
- Kupas kentang, potong dadu lalu kukus hingga empuk..
- Setelah empuk, tumbuk/hancurkan kentang hingga benar-benar halus..
- Panaskan margarin, lalu masukkan kentang, aduk-aduk..
- Tuang susu sambil terus diaduk. Campurkan butter, beri parutan keju. Masak hingga semua bahan menyatu..
- Tambahkan merica dan parsley cincang (atau bubuk parsley). Cicipi, jika kurang gurih bisa tambahkan garam. Aduk rata lalu angkat..
- Sajikan mashed potato dengan sosis atau ayam panggang dan saos sambal..
That's how I feel about a good ol' pot of southern The flavor of these cream cheese mashed potatoes is downright perfect! No seasonings needed thanks to cooking them in savory chicken broth. Cheesy Mashed Potato Puffs. (Image credit: Faith Durand). Fill each muffin cup with the mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes are one of those dishes that everybody likes.
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