Mashed potato (British English) or mashed potatoes (American English and Canadian English), colloquially known as mash (British English), is a dish prepared by mashing boiled potatoes.
Plus, the only thing mashed potatoes are more steeped in besides butter is tradition.
But what if your basic cooking method could improve the taste or texture of your potatoes, or make cooking.
Bahan Membuat Basic Mashed Potato
- 3-4 kentang ukuran sedang.
- 125 ml susu.
- Mentega/margarin.
- Pala bubuk.
- secukupnya Garam & merica.
- Keju Quick Melt secukupnya (opsional).
Langkah Memasak Basic Mashed Potato
- Kupas kentang, potong dadu, rebus di air garam. Tiriskan, sisihkan..
- Hancurkan kentang rebus. Masukkan susu, didihkan. Tambahkan keju Quick Melt bila suka..
- Bumbui dengan garam, merica, dan sedikit pala bubuk. Aduk rata. Hidangkan..
I have made them multiple times thinking that I must have added to much of an. A basic mashed potato recipe is something that can be prepared and shared whether the occasion is special, or not. It is a recipe where the potatoes are the star, and the add-ins are the supporting. Roughly mash potatoes, than add melted butter, heavy cream and sour cream while continuing to mash everything. Share: Rate this Recipe Pass potatoes through a ricer or food mill, or break up with a potato masher until smooth.
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