I prefer using boiled potatoes instead of the fried one, as the result will be better.
Mashed Potatoes memang bukan makanan yang sering kita santap sehari-hari, tetapi adakalanya kita ingin membuatnya jika sedang memasak makanan Western.
Mashed potato (British English) or mashed potatoes (American English and Canadian English), colloquially known as mash (British English), is a dish prepared by mashing boiled potatoes.
Bahan Membuat Kentang (mash potato)
- 1 bh kentang.
- Keju cheddar.
- 1 sdm Keju cream blh skip.
- Parsley kering.
- 1 sdm Butter.
Langkah Memasak Kentang (mash potato)
- Kupas kentang dan potong potong rebus dg air stlh matang sisihkan dan haluskan.
- Tambahkan butter keju cream dan jg parsley campur jadi 1 lalu taburi keju parut di atasnya selamat mencoba.
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