Garlic mashed potatoes and sautéed kale make for delicious, simple sides.
In this easy recipe, inspired by steak Diane (an American restaurant classic), we're searing beef medallions, then using the fond in the pan to make a rich, bright mushroom sauce for spooning on top.
It was always served with mashed potatoes or rice since those really are the best with brown gravy!
Bahan Membuat Beef steak brown sauce with mashed potato
- 3 daging sapi yang sudah di rebus dan dipotong².
- 1/4 bumbu bqq.
- 1/2 bw.bombay.
- 1 buah bawang putih yang besar.
- Sckp kaldu rebusan.
- Sckpnya tepung terigu/maizena.
- 1 sendok teh margarin.
- Bumbu penyedap.
- Lada.
- Kecap.
- 1/2 kentang yang sudah di rebus.
Langkah Memasak Beef steak brown sauce with mashed potato
- Fillet daging lalu marinate dengan bumbu bbq diamkan selama +-30 mnit.
- Buat mashed potato nya, kentang di blender sampe halus lalu saute sebentar,sederhana kalo ngga ada krim ngga usah pakek krim masak, aku pakek air rebusan daging sedikit aja jadi agak lembut..
- Lalu uleg bw.putih+ bw.bombay hingga halus + lada, untuk sauce nya, saute bumbu hingga harum, beri sedikit air kaldu rebusan. Dan beri kecap, penyedap rasa, dan tepung untuk pengental,.
- Panggang daging dengan diolsi sedikit mentega hingga matang..
- Matang, sajikan dengan sauce dan mashed potato nya.
Grease frying pan with olive oil and cook beef until lightly browned on all sides. Take out the beef to Place beef onto the puff pastry followed by the mashed potatoes. Wrap everything up with the puff. Are you thinking of what to cook for a special romantic dinner? Mongolian Beef is a stir-fry dish composed of thin slices of beef.
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