Specifically, these Easy Creamy Mashed Potatoes.
This is the creamy mashed potato you've seen smothered in sauces and gravies in hundreds of recipes on my site.
Easy, buttery, perfectly seasoned, and impossible to resist eating it straight out of the pot, homemade mashed potato was never so simple to make and totally mouthwatering!
Bahan Membuat Mashed Potato Creamy
- 1 buah kentang.
- 7 gr butter (aku pake anchor).
- secukupnya susu cair full cream.
- secukupnya garam dan lada.
- 1 slice keju (optional).
Langkah Memasak Mashed Potato Creamy
- Siapkan bahan, dan kupas cuci bersih kentang.
- Rebus kentang yang sudah di kupas cuci bersih hingga lembek/bisa mudah dihancurkan.
- Setelah direbus, hancurkan kentang dengan garpu.
- Setelah hancur merata, tuang susu cair full cream (sesuai selera berapa banyaknya karena ini yg menentukan creamy nya).
- Setelah tercampur semua masukan keju, garam, dan lada.
Stovetop - Place the potatoes over low heat in a covered pan, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes are fully thawed. To keep them creamy, add milk if needed. This delicious mashed cauliflower is loaded with garlic, butter, parmesan, and cream cheese! It's KETO friendly and is a great alternative to traditional mashed potatoes. Heat the milk and butter in a small pan, then pour over the potatoes.
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