No more watery mashed potatoes, these baked mashed potatoes bake up fluffy and airy with a beautiful golden brown top.
Thank you Potatoes USA for sponsoring this post.
Make a delicious and convenient meal for your family tonight with potatoes!
Bahan Membuat Baked Mashed Potato
- 500 gr kentang, kukus, lumatkan.
- 150 gr daging ayam, cincang halus, aslinya tuna.
- 200 gr wortel, parut. Aslinya 1 wortel.
- 50 gr keju cheddar parut, aslinya cream cheese.
- 50 gr margarin.
- 1 buah bawang bombay, iris2.
- 6 siung bw putih, cincang halus.
- 1 cup susu UHT.
- 1 sdt lada hitam, asli 1 sdm lada biasa.
- 1 1/4 sdt garam halus.
- Secukupnya keju mozzarella.
- Secukupnya parsley flakes.
- Secukupnya oregano flakes.
Langkah Memasak Baked Mashed Potato
- Lelehkan margarin secukupnya untuk menumis, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga harum. Masukkan ayam cincang, masak hingga berbah warna, lalu tambahkan wortel parut, masak hingga matang..
- Masukkan keju parut, beri garam dan lada bubuk, aduk rata. Kemudian masukkan kentang yang sudah dilumatkan dan margarin, aduk rata kembali..
- Tambahkan susu uht, masak sebentar hingga mengental. Pindahkan ke wadah tahan panas atau loyang cup. Beri parutan mozzarella sesuai selera, taburi oregano dan parsley..
- Panggang 10 menit, 180°c, sy pake otang, angkat, sajikan..
They were very smooth and I actually prefer doing them that way. Mashed potatoes are the ultimate comfort food (followed closely by mac and cheese), so it only makes sense to have them grace your table during the ultimate comfort meal, Thanksgiving dinner. View top rated Baked mashed potato eggs recipes with ratings and reviews. Baked Mashed Potato And Vegetable Omelet, Baked Mashed Potatoes, Baked Mashed Potatoes/Crispy Potato… Either way, these fluffy mashed potatoes have a secret ingredient that I think you'll want to try! My baked mashed potatoes come out rich, fluffy, and perfectly creamy!
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