Cheesy definition: Cheesy food is food that tastes or smells of cheese.
Cheesy definition, of or like cheese: a cheesy aroma; a cheesy taste.
Slang. inferior or cheap; chintzy: The movie's special effects are cheesy and unconvincing.
Bahan Membuat Cheesy & Creamy Mashed Potato
- 2 buah Kentang uk. Besar (kupas, potong dan kukus/rebus).
- 1 sdm Mentega/Garlic Butter Palmia.
- 100 ml Susu Cair.
- 60 gr Keju Parut (sesuai selera).
- Secukupnya Dried Parsley / Seledri Cincang halus.
- Secukupnya Merica & Kaldu Bubuk.
- Side Dish (optional - sesuai selera).
- 3 buah Sosis Sapi/Ayam (potong 2 bagian).
- 1 sdm Garlic Butter Palmia.
- Dried Parsley (optional).
- Saos BBQ Instant.
- Botol Saos Sambal.
Langkah Memasak Cheesy & Creamy Mashed Potato
- Haluskan/tumbuk kentang yg sudah direbus matang td hingga halus...
- Panaskan teflon..beri mentega..masukkan kentang tumbuk td..aduk sebentar...
- Masukkan susu cair dan keju parut..aduk rata...
- Dgn api kecil cenderung sedang..terus diaduk..masak kentangnya hingga keju meleleh dan susu meresap dlm kentang..tekstur dan level kepadatan sesuai selera..bila ingin agak kering dan padat..masak agak lama..bila ingin sedikit basah dan lembek..matikan api sblum adonan kering.
- Beri taburan parsley..merica dan kaldu bubuk secukupnya..aduk rata...
- Test rasa..Koreksi rasa...
- Angkat dan sajikan dipiring saji...
- Side Dish: Sosis Saos BBQ..Caranya: Panaskan teflon..lelehkan garlic butter...
- Sosis yg sudah dipotong jd 2 bagian..beri bbrp sayatan di permukaan sosisnya...
- Goreng sosis diatas teflon dg garlic butter tadi...beri taburan parsley..masak hingga harum dan matang...
- Angkat dan susun di piring saji dg mashed potato...
- Panaskan sebentar saos BBQ instantnya diatas teflon..lalu tuang diatas sosisnya...
- Mashed Potato dg Sosis Saos BBQ siap disajikan dg saos sambal sbg pelengkap...
- Selamat Mencoba...
Search, discover and share your favorite Cheesy GIFs. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. My friend told me this girl look cheesy, I really didnt get it Another one would be that cheesy can be like too 'typical', too 'like everyone else' if your friend's describing the girl. His clothes are so cheesy, but hey, I dig clothes from the seventies anyway. Video shows what cheesy means. of or relating to cheese. resembling, or containing cheese. of poor quality through being overdramatic.
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