A favorite side dish that can be made ahead of time and reheated just before dinner.
The flavor of these cream cheese mashed potatoes is downright perfect!
No seasonings needed thanks to cooking them in savory chicken broth and creaming them with real butter, cream cheese.
Bahan Membuat Mashed Potato Cheese
- 2 buah Kentang (ukuran besar).
- 100 ml Fresh Milk.
- 1 sdm Margarin.
- 1 sdm Orchid Butter.
- 40 gr Keju Cheddar Parut.
- 1 sdt Garam.
- 1/2 Merica.
- 1 sdt Parsley.
Langkah Memasak Mashed Potato Cheese
- Sikat kulit kentang (karna saya kulitnya dikupas sebagian aja :), kupas kulitnya, cuci bersih dan potong kotak..
- Kukus kentang (kukusannya harus udah mendidih) selama 10 menit, kemudian haluskan selagi panas..
- Lelehkan margarin; masukkan kentang halus, aduk-aduk. Tambahkan fresh milk sambil diaduk. Tambahkan orchid butter, garam dan merica. Masukkan keju, aduk rata..
- Taburkan parsley diatasnya; sajikan dengan daging steak, sosis, etc sesuai selera aja..
Somewhere between buttery mashed potatoes and pure melted cheese lies aligot, the comforting, cheese-enhanced mashed-potato dish from central France. The key to getting a smooth, airy texture. They're as much a part of Thanksgiving dinner as pecan pie and Uncle Festus. Drain the potatoes and garlic and process them together through a food mill fitted with the coarsest blade set on top of a bowl. All leftover mashed potatoes will vary in consistency depending on how much cream, milk or melted butter you added to the original batch.
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