Mmmm…creamy, steamy, flavorful, delicious mashed potatoes.
They're as much a part of Thanksgiving dinner as.
Drain the potatoes thoroughly in a large colander.
Bahan Membuat Mashed potato creamy
- 2 buah kentang uk sedang.
- 2 sdm Susu cair full cream.
- Keju (dipotong potong).
- Lada.
- Mentega.
- Garam.
Langkah Memasak Mashed potato creamy
- Kupas kentang, kemudian belah 4, cuci lalu tiriskan.
- Didihkan air, masukkan kentang kemudian tambahkan garam. Rebus hingga kentang empuk, angkat dan tiriskan.
- Siapkan wadah, masukkan keju, tambahkan lada dan mentega. Kemudian masukkan kentang yang sudah ditiriskan.
- Haluskan (ak pakai ulekan kayu dibungkus plastik), jika sudah halus masukkan susu cair. Aduk rata..
- Mashed potato siap disantap.
Mashed potatoes are the best accompaniment to sausages, roast meats, and many other British and Irish dishes especially a classic like Bangers and Mash. Yellow Mashed Potatoes are fluffy and creamy, with the addition of cream cheese, butter, and milk. Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil. If you love mashed potatoes, you are going to LOVE love love these Instant Pot mashed potatoes. Fluffy, creamy, perfect, and honestly just so low maintenance.
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