Try this Mashed Potatoes (Low Fat) recipe, or contribute your own.
Boil potatoes until soft, drain, cube and mash in a large bowl.
Enjoy low-fat, healthy mashed sweet potatoes by leaving out the butter and adding orange juice, a touch of brown sugar, cinnamon, and ginger.
Bahan Membuat Mashed Potato Low Fat
- 2 buah kentang.
- 100 ml susu lowfat.
- 1 sdt oregano.
- 1 sdt garam.
- 1/2 sdt merica.
- 2 sdt keju permesan.
- 1 sdm unsalted butter.
- Secukupnya parsley flakes.
Langkah Memasak Mashed Potato Low Fat
- Kupas kentang lalu cuci bersih. Potong kentang jd bagian kecil lalu kukus hingga empuk. Kemudian lumatkan kentang kukus hingga lembut..
- Panaskan unsalted butter lalu masukkan kentang, tambahkan susu, aduk rata..
- Lalu tambahkan oregano, garam, merica dan pemesan serta parsley flakes. Sajikan..
Boil the potatoes in water till tender. Mash the potatoes with a ricer/fork. Low-Fat Slow Cooker Garlic Mashed Potatoes. Full ingredient & nutrition information of the Mashed Potatoes (Low Fat, Low Sodium) Calories. Mashed potatoes don't need to be filled with all kinds of cream, fat and butter to be light, creamy, fluffy and so deliciously comforting!
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