But have you mastered making mashed potatoes?
What about putting a twist on the classic recipes?
There's a whole lot more to the Thanksgiving favorite than boiling spuds and blending them with butter.
Bahan Membuat Mashed potato 🌹
- 3 kentang size sedang.
- 200 ml Susu fullcream.
- 1 spoon Butter.
- Lada bubuk.
- Garam.
Langkah Memasak Mashed potato 🌹
- Rebus kentang sampai matang dan haluskan.
- Panaskan butter dan susu fullcream dan lada bubuk sampai sedikit mendidih.
- Kemudian masukkan kentang yang sudah dihaluskan tambahkan garam sedikit, aduk sampai susu meresap.
They are usually served soft and warm. When people talk about "meat and potatoes", the potatoes are often baked or mashed. Mashed potatoes can be one of the first "solid" foods that a small child can eat. Mashed potatoes are one of the easiest no-recipe dishes we know. It's the simplest thing in the world to make up a Making mashed potatoes for two is even easier than making a big batch for a crowd.
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