Drain the potatoes thoroughly in a large colander.
Place them back into the dry pot and put the pot on the stove.
They can even be made ahead of time!
Bahan Membuat Creamy Mashed Potato
- 300 gr kentang.
- 3 sdm margarin atau butter.
- 100 ml susu UHT Full Cream.
- sedikit Garam.
- Parsley kering.
Langkah Memasak Creamy Mashed Potato
- Rebus kentang dan haluskan saat kentang masih panas..
- Panaskan margarin hingga cair, tambahkan susu dan garam aduk rata. Masukkan kentang halus aduk rata. Jangan lupa tes rata. Terakhir beri parsley..
- Cetak pakai cetakan yang ada di rumah saat mashed potato masih panas ya. Siap disajikan.. 😘.
Creamy Mashed Potatoes is the best mashed potatoes recipe ever! Learn chef Anthony Bourdain's secrets for the fluffiest and creamiest homemade mashed potatoes. My all time favorite side dish recipe and a must-make for Thanksgiving. I'm a potato girl through and through and love all. This is an ultra creamy mashed potato as served at top tier restaurants and good steakhouses.
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