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We reported extensively here on outrageous tuition some kids and their parents are now paying.
Bahan Membuat 20. #Swieke Ayam#
- 250 gr ayam potong-potong.
- 4 siung bawang putih haluskan.
- Seruas jahe geprek.
- Bawang putih goreng.
- iris Seledri.
- Tauco.
- Garam.
- Gula.
- Kecap manis.
- Kaldu jamur.
- secukupnya Air.
Langkah Memasak 20. #Swieke Ayam#
- Rebus ayam sebentar untuk menghilangkan lemaknya (karena ayam yang saya pakai ayam potong).
- Tumis bawang putih hingga harum, tambahkan jahe, bumbu tauco. Masukkan ayam. Tambahkan air yang rada banyak yah..
- Masukkan gula, garam, kecap, kaldu jamur. Masak hingga matang. Tes rasa..
- Masukkan bawang putih goreng yang sudah di remukkan. Tambahkan irisan seledri..
- Siap disajikan..
Features news stories, concerts, events and Internet audio stream. Disney Piano Collection - Relaxing Piano Music - Music For Relax,. Imagine an OS for the software developer, maker and computer science professional who uses their computer as a tool to discover and create.
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