Soft, airy inside and filled with the most delicious vanilla cream.
Mini doughnuts that are baked and coated in cinnamon and sugar are a lighter and equally delicious version of doughnuts without the frying!
I know oven temps vary, but these are small, and it wouldn't take much for them to overbake.
Bahan Membuat Mini Doughnut ala J.Co
- 350 gr tepung cakra.
- 150 gr tepung segitiga.
- 80 gr gula pasir.
- 3 butir kuning telur.
- 1 butir putih telur.
- 220 gr susu cair UHT (DINGIN BANGET).
- 10 gr ragi instan.
- 10 gr susu bubuk.
- 100 gr butter.
- Topping :.
- sesuai selera (gula halus/glaze donut).
Langkah Memasak Mini Doughnut ala J.Co
- Campur semua bahan kecuali butter, setelah adonan setengah kalis masukkan butter. Uleni sampe kalis elastis..
- BagiĀ² adonan @40gr bentuk sesuai selera. proofing selama 45mnt - 1 jam.
- Goreng dg api kecil. beri topping sesuai selera. sy pake glaze donut..
It's the weekend so of course that means you need to treat yourself to a delicious dessert of some sort, and in this case. Co - the best doughnuts! :) I've been into doughnuts like forever. Don't even get us started on the lack of doughnut options in Hong Kong. We pride ourselves on being a culinary paradise, but what's the title worth when we have to scour the whole city for a taste of soft, fluffy doughnuts? CO is as serious about coffee as it is about doughnuts.
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