Kwality walls ice cream. anubhav saxena. Загрузка.
Technically Amul is icecream i.e. made with milk and milk products (such as cream or butter).
Whereas kwality walls is frozen dessert made with plant certainly Amul because of the quality of milk used for making ice cream as Amul has its network of collecting milk from cattle owners through cooperative.
Bahan Membuat Ice cream Walls KW aseli moist
- Bahan A:.
- 3 sdm Tepung maizena.
- 2 bungkus SKM.
- 1 bungkus Santan Kara.
- 5 Sdm Gula.
- Bahan B:.
- Sp.
- Perisa coklat dan strawberry.
Langkah Memasak Ice cream Walls KW aseli moist
- Campur semua bahan A dan masak sampai agak mengental (meletup-letup) kemudian angkat, taruh dalam wadah dinginkan. Kalo sudah dingin masukkan dalam freezer sampai beku..
- Setelah beku kerok adonan kemudian campur SP dan mixer sampai lembut.
- Bagi jadi dua bagian. Saya kasih rasa pop es coklat dan strawberry. Warna pinknya kurang manis ðŸ¤.
- Setelah itu cetak dalam wadah dan bekukan. Diamkan sampai 5jam dan taraaaaa. Es krim homade siap disajikan. Murah loh bahannya. Jadinya segambreng 🤣.
Multicolor Dreamy Ice Cream Adorable Cartoon Clock Children Wall Decor Kids Time Initiation Learning Photograph Background Prop. BEAU-Ice Cream Cone Cupcake Baking Rack Self-Service DIY Ice Cream Display Storage Shelf. Enjoy our range of yummy ice creams in exciting and fun colours, shapes and flavours, designed to be nutritinally reponsible for kids! Find out more about Wall's ice cream for kids. Kwality Walls is one of the oldest and famous ice cream brand of Mumbai.
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