Transfer the mixture to a medium mixing bowl, add the heavy cream and whisk to combine.
This avocado ice cream will have you begging for more.
The creaminess of the avocados combined with raw honey will provide an You'll also see the use of salt and lime juice which work to maintain the green opaque colors of the avocados and round out the flavor.
Bahan Membuat Ice cream Walls vanilla and greentea avocado (KW)
- 3 bungkus susu Dancow Vanilla.
- 2 bungkus SCM Vanilla.
- 2 bungkus santan KARA.
- 8 sdm gula pasir.
- 2 bungkus Chocolatos Greentea.
- 1 sdm tepung Maizena.
- 800 ml air.
- Garam sejumput saja.
- 1 buah alpukat mentega.
- 5 buah Oreo (isi dalemnya dibuang).
- 1 sdm SP (sebagai pelembut).
Langkah Memasak Ice cream Walls vanilla and greentea avocado (KW)
- Rebus air lalu masukkan semua susu Dancow, SKM, gula pasir, santan KARA, garam sejumput. Setelah itu larutkan di mangkok kecil tepung maizena, lalu campurkan di rebusan yg pertama. Aduk terus sampai agak sedikit kental..
- Jika sudah kental, dingin kan terlebih dahulu sebelum di masukkan ke kulkas..
- Masukkan ke kulkas sampai 6 jam an (eskrim sudah agak mengeras).
- Setelah 6 jam an, keluarkan, keruk eskrim lalu di mixer dan masukkan SP serta Chocolatos Greentea dan keruk alpukat. Kalau saya dibagi menjadi 2 adonan eskrim.
- Saran: mixer sampai benar-benar lembut seperti busa..
- Jika sudah, tarok kembali di tempat eskrim, diberi topping. Kalau yg vanilla saya beri remahan Oreo dan yg greentea alpukat yg di keruk sedikit..
- Tarok eskrim di kulkas kembali. Tunggu sampai jadi. Selamat mencoba!.
With the sweltering summer upon us, a scoopful (or two) of this sweet, buttery cold treat will be a welcome respite from the torturous heat. Did you scroll all this way to get facts about vanilla green tea? Well you're in luck, because here they come. Reduced fat vanilla flavour ice cream. Available in two flavours, Vanilla and Mint, Viennetta is a truly unique ice cream dessert bring a certain "poshness" to your dinner table.
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