This Pastéis de Nata recipe has an easy step-by-step guide to make the best custard tarts for pastel de nata.
A Sweet, Chocolate, and Crunchy Biscoff Rocky Road with Lotus Biscuits, Mini Marshmallows, and even more Biscoff goodness on top!
Check out this recipe for homemade Portuguese egg tarts, also known as pastel de nata.
Bahan Membuat Portuguese egg tart with lotus biscoff #homemadebylita
- Puff pastry instan (saya merek Edo).
- Bahan custard vla.
- 60 gr whipped cream cair.
- 60 gr gula pasir.
- 2 butir kuning telur.
- 1 sdm tepung maizena.
- 250 ml susu cair full cream.
- 1/2 sdt pasta vanila.
- Bahan isian.
- Secukupnya selai lotus biscoff.
- Secukupnya biskuit lotus biscoff.
Langkah Memasak Portuguese egg tart with lotus biscoff #homemadebylita
- Siapkan semua bahan. Diamkan/defrost puff pastry 20 menitan sebelum digunakan..
- Aduk semua bahan vla. Tim dgn api kecil hingga agak mengental. Oles cup/aluminium foil/loyang muffin dgn margarin maupun cairan pengoles khusus loyang..
- Cetak adonan dgn menggunakan tutup gelas dan dirapatkan ke cup. Tusuk2 bagian dasar dgn ujung garpu. Tuang vla kurang lebih 1/2 bagian penuh aja..
- Panaskan oven dgn suhu maksimal 250 dercel api atas bawah selama 10 menitan. Lanjut panggang adonan selama 30-35 menit sampai puff kecoklatan dan custard vla kuning kecoklatan. Masukkan selai biscoff ke piping bag, semprot ke dalam egg tart. Lanjut masukkan biskuit biscoff yg sudah diremas..
- Siap disajikan mumpung renyah 😍😍.
I am really in an obsessive Biscoff place at the moment. like no joke, I made my Biscoff Cake recently and I just craved it even more! Homemade yummy Portuguese egg tart with egg tart wrapper recipe and custard filling recipe. I have been waiting for quite a long time for a cooler fall here. For the egg tart wrappers, I would love to make a larger batch since the process is time consuming. ⭐⭐Portuguese Egg Tart ⭐⭐. We're tired of ordering Cream Cheese but the supplier is in stock That's Cream Cheese, not Lotus Biscoff yet.
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