Part of the joy of eating these tarts comes from the contrast of the crunchy crust with the soft custardy filling.
Before I developed this recipe, I had never tried my hand at making Portuguese egg tarts, despite the fact that I love them so.
It wasn't until I began my research that I realized I had never had a true, authentic Portuguese egg tart, and that is because of the dough.
Bahan Membuat Portuguese egg tart π£
- Puff pastry instant.
- Bahan filling :.
- 30 gr gula pasir.
- 260 susu cair.
- 20 ml whipping cream.
- 1 sdt perisa cream vanila (ny.liem).
- 2 kuning telor.
- 1 sdm maizena.
Langkah Memasak Portuguese egg tart π£
- Olesi cetakan dgn mentega.
- Tipiskan kulit pastry dgn roling atau bisa digulung lalu potong2 brp bagian kemudian tekan dan padatkan kulit pastry pd cetakan. Tusuk bagian bawahnya dgn garpu.
- Masak bahan filling aduk2 terakhir masukan maizena masak dgn api sedang cukup panas saja dan tidak terlalu mengental, angkat tiriskan.
- Setelah dingin tuang bahan filling ke dlm cetakan.
- Panggang pd suhu 200 c selama 20 mnt sampai kulit pastry kecoklatan dan permukaan kustard menjdi caramel. Sajikan ππ.
Portuguese Egg Tarts - this easy egg tart recipe calls for store-bought ingredients for the tastiest little dessert ever! The most popular egg tarts that everyone knows and loves are the Portuguese and the Chinese ones. These delicious pastries are made with a delicious outer shell full of egg custard. Portuguese egg tarts or pasteis de nata. Our city being so near to Portugal makes travelling there quite simple.
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