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It may possibly work with significantly less cocoa powder, as little as a half tbsp, as there was almost no detectable pancake or avocado flavor coming through, and the cocoa may have been responsible for most of the bitter.
Bahan Membuat Pancake Promina Chocolate Avocado
- 1 sachet (20 gr) Promina rasa chocolate avocado.
- 80-100 ml Air matang (Saya ganti pake susu UHT).
- 1 butir telur.
- 1 sdm Margarin Cair.
- sesuai selera Toping.
Langkah Memasak Pancake Promina Chocolate Avocado
- Masukkan promina, air, telur, dan margarin cair dalam wadah lalu kocok hingga merata/halus tak menggumpal.
- Panaskan teflon dengan api kecil, cetak adonan pancake (2sdm/cetakan) tunggu hingga adonan berongga lalu balik hingga matang.
- Ulangi langkah berikutnya sampai adonan habis.
- Beri toping sesuai selera (keju/madu/selai buah) sajikan dengan doa dan cinta.
Also, just be glad I didn't make a recipe for avocado toast chocolate bars; because yes, such a thing is a real product you can buy. And yes, it has actual pieces of. Banana avocado pancakes are a great go-to for a healthier way to power your day. Try this easy recipe to fuel up. Blend until smooth, scraping down sides as necessary.
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