Hong-Kong style egg tarts are probably my favorite pastry.
The Portuguese egg tart eventually made its way to Hong Kong, where it was influenced by British custard tarts, which are a bit more glassy and smooth.
Hong Kong style egg tarts are probably my favorite pastry.
Bahan Membuat Hongkong egg tart (pie susu)
- Bahan kulit:.
- 175 gr tepung segitiga.
- 100 gr butter / mentega.
- 1 sdm gula halus.
- 1 butir kuning telur.
- Bahan filling:.
- 100 gr whipping cream cair.
- 85 gr susu kental manis.
- 1/2 sdt pasta vanila.
- 2 butir kuning telur.
- 1/4 sdt garam.
Langkah Memasak Hongkong egg tart (pie susu)
- Kulit:campur semua bahan mjd satu,uleni hgg berbutir2.satukan,kepal2 gilas,lalu cetak pada cetakan pie uk 5 cm,yg sdh diolesi mentega.(pny sy uk 6 cm).
- Tusuk2 dg garpu tengahnya supaya ndak naik saat dipanggang moms....
- Filling :aduk smua mjd satu dg ballon whisk sampai rata kemudian saring..
- Tuang pd kulit pie panggang dlm oven bersuhu 160°c sampai matang kecoklatan (sy 40 mnt mom).
Hong Kong style egg tarts are my favorite: cheerful yellow creamy egg custard in a shortbread cookie tart shell. I'd scoop out the insides and leave the tart shell behind. But…sometimes my my brother would want to eat the outsides only so it was kind of sort. Firstly, the egg tart is often said to be a variation of the English custard tart. However, others say the egg tart is strongly influenced by the Portuguese pastry, pastel de nata, which came to Hong Kong via neighboring Macau.
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