This versatile dish can also be made with a cheese filling or pandan.
In a mixing bowl, whisk butter, egg yolk, egg white, and sugar until creamy.
Then sift the flour into the egg mixture.
Bahan Membuat Hongkong Style Egg Tart (Eggless Crust)
- Crust:.
- 200 gr tepung terigu.
- 100 gr margarin.
- 2 sdm gula halus.
- 3-4 sdm air es.
- Filling/vla:.
- 3 butir telur ukuran besar.
- 300 ml susu uht plain.
- 150 gr gula halus.
- 2 sdm tepung custard.
- 15 ml rhum (sy skip, gak pake).
- 1 sdt vanilla extract (sy skip).
Langkah Memasak Hongkong Style Egg Tart (Eggless Crust)
- Crust: campur bahan crust hingga rata & bisa dipulung. Kemudian bungkus plastik, masukkan dalam kulkas kurang lebih 15 menit..
- Sambil menunggu adonan crust di kulkas, kita buat fillingnya dulu. Dalam wadah aduk rata semua bahan filling dengan whisk, kemudian saring. Sisihkan..
- Panaskan oven. Keluarkan adonan crust dari kulkas, kemudian ratakan pada cetakan (sy pakai pyrex). Jangan lupa tusuk" menggunakan garpu..
- Tuang bahan filling diatas crust, kemudian panggang sampai filling set. Tunggu pie agak dingin, lalu keluarkan dari cetakan potong sesuai selera. Lebih enak dimakan dingin dari kulkas ^^.
There are two kinds of tart shells, one is puff pastry-like (酥皮底), the other cookie-like(牛油皮底). The governor liked the latter, just like me. You must be familiar with the Hong Kong egg tarts (蛋挞) if you like Cantonese dim sum. Whilst the barbecue meat bun is the signature of the savory dim sum, the most lovable dessert will be none other than the Hong Kong egg tart. Hong Kong egg tarts are derived from the Portuguese pastel de nata from the times when the Portuguese arrived at Macau at the turn of the twentieth century.
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